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Culture - Mar 8, 2022

Women in Metalcasting: Career Impact That Matters

Kristin Stankewicz | Waupaca Foundry

Women in Metalcasting: Career Impact That Matters


Then and Now: Women at Waupaca Foundry

It’s 1976. Jimmy Carter is elected President of the United States. Apple computers forms. Alex Haley writes Roots.

It’s a time of societal shifts. At Waupaca, women have begun working in the foundry—a pivotal move, 挑战了铸造技术行业是男性俱乐部的观念.

Trailblazers in the Foundry
1985年,艾琳·珀克特(Eileen Perket)第一天在沃帕卡(Waupaca)当上电工,她不确定会发生什么. It wasn’t always smooth sailing. 她处理了各种各样的问题,从对她的技能的怀疑,到微妙的影射,再到缺乏方便的女洗手间. Perket后来在铸造厂的多个职位上都取得了成功, retiring as an electrical tech in 2000.


Goodbye, Old Stereotypes
走进一家铸造厂,许多人仍然希望看到的是硬汉和重型设备. But according to the U.S. 商务部,女性正在进入制造业.

1955年,威尼斯注册送38元没有一个女工. Today, 10% of the workforce is female. 从事铸造和机械加工业务的女性表示,她们的女性同行拥有不同的技能和经验,这使她们非常适合金属铸造.

“Women pay attention to detail. 他们可以从不同的角度看待问题,并寻找改进流程的方法,” says Roxanna Stein, Manager of Continuous Improvement, who has been with Waupaca for 25 years.

Barbara Robinson, a Casting Layout Technician with 17 years at Waupaca, says, “女性的增多为解决问题提供了不同的视角. 它有助于打破“我们一直都是这么做的”的想法.”

越来越多的女性正在消除“铸造工作很火辣”的污名, dirty, physical work that women can’t do, says Stein. 自动化使不同体力的人可以做更多的工作.

在过去的25年里,Twila Hildebrandt开始从事核心制作,并从事垂直成型操作员和平面艺术家等各种工作. Through Waupaca Foundry’s education program, 她成为了一名认证安全技术员,现在是工厂培训协调员.

“There are so many opportunities here,” she says. “我们在维修、垂直成型、高层管理等各个领域都有女性.”

Why Are Women Choosing Manufacturing?
The U.S. 美国商务部表示,制造业“越来越安全、清洁和高科技”.“这种转变鼓励了女性承担她们以前可能没有考虑过的角色. 还有一个经济诱因:人口普查数据显示,制造业女性的收入比女性收入中位数高出16%.

在制造业中,对女性的支持也来自铸造厂之外. Katie Matticks, 美国铸造协会与金属铸造女性的联络, says the group’s mission “is to provide a platform for networking, mentorship, 以及分享金属铸造行业女性的最佳实践.” Women appreciate the group’s sense of community.

马提克斯指出,一直在齐心协力吸引女性进入制造业. By making it clear that anyone can succeed, 越来越多的女性在这个行业找到了自己的位置. 她认为,现在是女性考虑从事制造业以及与之相关的所有工作的最佳时机.

Why Do Women Choose Waupaca Foundry?
While each woman’s backstory is unique, a common thread is seeking a career with good pay, benefits and the opportunity to grow.

“我进入制造业是因为我喜欢制造东西. 我不想要一份坐着的工作,我想要用我的双手和大脑来工作,”斯坦说.

之前的一份制造业工作提拔了她,但给她的薪水却低于男性同行, 斯坦申请了沃帕卡大学,并在5名被录用的60名学生中脱颖而出,该供应商位于泰尔市的灰铸铁和球墨铸铁厂有000名申请者. 她说:“在威尼斯注册送38元工作的好处我说不完。.

希尔德布兰特刚来沃帕卡时是一名CNA,她想找一份薪水更高的工作. 令人惊讶的是,许多以前的护士在沃帕卡选择了制造业的新职业. Safety, ergonomics, 自她1986年开始工作以来,空气质量和技术都有了显著改善, she says. 她认为女性有无限的机会,从工程到冶金再到会计等等.

When Robinson, who had prior manufacturing experience, walked into the foundry, “I was shocked at how clean it was,” she says.

Waupaca aims to “be the best foundry, the best company to work for, and to make an impact on a lot of people’s lives,” says Kim Jezwinski, now retired, who started as the first in-house nurse 29 years ago. 她利用学费补贴继续她的学业,并追求她对铸造安全的热情, 促使她成为安全与健康主任.

An Eye to the Future
招募更多妇女从事铸造工作的努力正在进行中. 目前的女性员工也认为,意识是消除忧虑的关键.  

“Once they get in the foundry to see it, they have a better sense of what it’s really like,” says Stein.

School visits, 桌面代工制造模拟器'代工在一个盒子,和社区活动都是激发兴趣的好方法, especially in young women, says Hildebrandt.

Robinson agrees. “我只知道制造业的工作,因为我认识一些人. Word of mouth among women can encourage others. 如果你看到女性在做你想要进入的工作,这会激励你.”

The Sky’s the Limit


Stein agrees. “如果你愿意努力学习,前途无量。.”


American Foundry Society - http://www.afsinc.org/women-metalcasting

U.S. Department of Commerce http://www.commerce.gov/news/blog/2021/03/making-place-women-manufacturing

Webex采访了Twila Hildebrandt, Barbara Robinson和Roxanna Stein.


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